Friday, July 13, 2007

Spoiled, thy name is Ashley

It's true. I am. I am spoiled rotten. I am not really sure where all of this started, but it is so very obvious to me today. My mother spoils me rotten. She always has. I am her only daughter after all. Even to this day she still buys me things for no reason at all. I don't even live in the same town as her and I still get a phone call every day with her on the other line saying "I bought you a new movie/book/cooking pan/pair of shoes/all of the above. The funny thing is, not only does my family spoil me, so does my boyfriend. I think my family simply ruined me for any normal person. I have always had boyfriends who spoil me, but not like Dustin. The other day I found him standing on my porch with a huge bouquet of flowers. When I asked him what the occasion was he said "It is Tuesday". Are you serious?!?! Today we went to the Buckle (Dustin just got paid and the money was burning a hole in his pocket). I was helping him decide what clothes looked best on him, which truth be told pretty much everything looks good on him. After he had finished spending enough money to pay my rent for the month he looked at me and said "go get something". I insisted that he should spend his money on himself. I lost the argument. He ended up buying me a pair of jeans. I know... now you are thinking.... okay so he bought you a pair of jeans, big deal.... The jeans carried a $150 price tag. I just want to say right now that I have never, in my entire life bought one piece of clothing that cost $150!!! That is insane. The jeans look great on me though. They make my ass look amazing! I guess they were worth the money, but more importantly I am glad that I have a boyfriend who loves me enough to spoil me. Oh I am ruined for normal men everywhere.....

1 comment:

The Rover said...

We need pictures to believe in these jeans ;)

Enjoy it. It makes us feel like the hours of work are worth it when we can make someone we love smile.