Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Busy busy busy

Nothing like taking a College Algebra final a week early to stress someone out. Especially someone who is math retarded (read: me... math stupid). I have to take the final early so that I can go to cheer camp with the squad. I can't decide if I am looking forward to it or not. I really hate the extremes my body goes through for those couple of days, and of course it is incredibly stressful. For those couple of days I will be cheering (not like "yeah go team" but stunting, tumbling, competing) from 8am to 11pm every day. Yuck. You have no idea how sore your body can get until you decide to do something like this. After I get back from camp I usually just want to lay on the couch until the pain subsides... like three days later. I just found out that Dustin isn't going to camp. Lucky guy. On the up side I will most likely lose a couple of pounds by the constant exercise. I am rooming with 3 other girls at camp. That shouldn't be too bad, aside from the fact that one of the girls is the most hyper, retarded, cheerleader-Esq girl I have ever met in my entire life. She gets really annoying really quickly. I am going to have a real heart to heart with her. If she keeps me up all night long with her incredibly high-pitched laugh I will have to smother her with my pillow.

1 comment:

The Rover said...

Good luck, toughie! Just remember, if you claim to have explosive diarrhea your roommates will move out real quick, giving you all the peaceful sleep you need.