Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My roomate thinks I am Bitter

I am a cheerleader at my University. I hate telling people that. Mostly because as soon as I do they think one of several things:
1)I have the IQ of an eggplant.
2)I must be really happy ALL the time.
3)I must be really stuck up.
4)I must be a slut (or hopefully I am)
Truth be told none of these things are the case. Go figure. My roomate, who is a 25 year old woman named Ashley as well is in the masters program at Pitt and well, not the cheering type. When she told her family that she was living with a cheerleader their immediate reaction was "Oh, she must be really happy." My roomate in telling me this story then kind of laughed to herself and said "actually no, she is kind of hostile." I had to laugh at that. Being that we have nothing in common on the surface (name excluded) we share a similar view on life and sense of humor. During this same conversation she also informed me that one of the student teachers I had for a class last year, by the name of Tyler,asks about me every day. Awkward. Apparently he finds me to be "sassy"... (yes, that is a direct quote). Sassy huh? Go me.

1 comment:

The Rover said...

I'm glad to hear you have a roommate who appreciates your humor!
The thing I have enjoyed about staring this blogging silliness is that I can write for an intellectual target audience that may not ever read it. It's a conversation with the people I wish I could hang out at a coffee shop with.
And every now and then, I find that one of those people is real, and has left me a comment.
Keep it coming.